Men's Division

The Men's Division AGM was held on Sunday
   Sunday, December 05, 2010 Airlie Beach Bowls Club

Meeting opened: 11:10 A.M.
After opening the meeting President Lloyd called for one minutes silence to remember Keith Holmes, Tom Lanham, Victor Migliori and Life Member Fred Muller, who past away recently.

Apologies: (7) David Carlin, Gary Johnston, Eric Bottle, Keith Dunn, Dominic Sposato, Jack Payne
and Jim Keighery.
Moved by Paul Osborne that the apologies be accepted, seconded by Buddy Holmes.

Present: (9) President Lloyd Whitehead, Vice President Col Howes, Secretary Paul Osborne,
Buddy Holmes, Keith Beetham, Wally Gray, Herb Secomb, John Fornasiero, Barry

Minutes of previous meeting:
As the Minutes had been posted or emailed it was agreed that they be taken as read.
Moved by Keith Beetham that the Minutes be accepted as an accurate record of the
events, seconded by Barry Milton, carried.
Matters arising from the last Minutes: None.

Presidents Report: Lloyd read his Report.


VALE In December last year and this year we sadly saw the passing of several members of our Club.
They were Keith Holmes, Bill McGrath, Tommy Lanham, Victor Migliorini, and Life Member Fred Muller.
They will be long remembered for the individual characters they were and it was a pleasure to know them.
We send our sympathy and best wishes to their families.
On the sick list are Jack Payne (4946-4018) and Dom Sposato   (03-9460-3109). Both these great guys would love to get a cheerio call from their mates at the Airlie Beach Bowls Club. Get well soon fellars
We lost another member in Jim Keighery who moved to Sydney to be with family down there. Best of luck
and good health Jim.
The weather gods were not to kind to us this year. We lost 8 Weeks at the start of the year. When we closed
to renew our surface with the new carpet, since then we have been deluged with rain. For a job that was
only to take 4 to 5 weeks, as at the 1st December, we are into our 11th week with no let up in sight. But it
will end. We need 5 clear days and the green will be down and completed.
The shade structures have been painted and only 4 left to have their roofs  put on. Gary and Keith will attack that as soon as weather permits. New scoreboards have been  purchased for the car park side and they and
the other scoreboards will be put up when we can.
With the new carpet, concrete paths, Modgrass surrounds and terracotta coloured ditch walls, the club will
look a picture. Fencing has been ordered and will be erected as soon as possible, with locked gates to
secure the Club. Details of this will be explained.
John Fornasiero has volunteered to maintain the Green and surrounds.
A new Stove and 50" T.V. has been purchased and installed.
A Ride-on Mower, Back-pack Blower, Hedge Trimmer and Whipper-Snipper have been purchased and
On Sunday 14th November, I resigned from the Board after 5 years as chairman, and handed over to Margo
Stanley as Chairperson. Margo will be a great leader as she has the love of the club and members at heart,
and also the drive to succeed. I wish her and the Board every success and I will always be only too willing to
help out anytime I can.
We desperately need to build up the Men's Committee now that we have these wonderful facilities to play
on. I have done a lousy  job as President this year, mainly due to my Board commitments. I would like to see
some new blood and ideas in the 2011 Men's Committee.
Until then, pray for some sunny weather so we can     get on our new green.
Cheers LLOYD
Moved by Keith Beetham that the report be accepted seconded by Paul Osborne,

Elections: It was proposed that Lloyd Whitehead be accepted as President for a second term
by Keith Beetham and seconded by Col Howes.

Vice President: There being no nomination received. Lloyd Whitehead nominated Col Howes which was
accepted and then Seconded by Keith Beetham. Lloyd announced Col as Vice President.

Secretary: One nomination for Paul Osborne seconded by Herb Secomb Lloyd announced Paul as

Games Director: One nomination for Games Director Robert (Buddy) Holmes Buddy was announced as
Games Director for a second term.

Games Director Assistant: Lloyd Nominated Keith Dunn in his absence. Keith was announced Games Director Assistant for a second term. To be confirmed with Keith.

Selectors: With Buddy Holmes and Keith Dunn (to be confirmed) automatically Selectors
President Lloyd called for more volunteers from the floor. Keith Beetham, Herb
Secomb, John Fornasero offered their services for a second term and Barry Milton
were accepted by the meeting.

MMBD Delegate: Buddy Holmes offered to be the delegate for a second term and was accepted by the

Board of Management Delegate: To be chosen by the BOM.

Notice of Motion: None.

General Business: President Lloyd discussed the 2011 pennant season. He was confident we would be
able to muster a team.
Barry spoke of the need to improve Friday night bare foot bowls. All agreed that
while the Board was responsible for providing the venue and the BBQ, it was up to
the both bowling clubs to ensure the success of the bowls.

Barry also said that the club could do with new shirts. A design change was needed
and a cooler material used in the manufacture. The members agreed and asked Barry
to investigate a suitable replacement.

There being no further business the meeting was terminated at 12:25 P.M.